Thursday, January 7, 2010

Free Tattoo

Free Tattoo Designs - Should You Even Consider Them?
By John Mowatt

Free TattooAre free tattoo designs really worthwhile or is it better to splurge and get a custom design which is just made for you? The fact that anything is free is a great point, but are these free designs something you would like live with on your body for the rest of your life? You may look at it later and think "Why didn,t I just spend the money and get a really great design that I could be proud of?". When people see your tattoo and ask who designed it, they will probably think that you are a real cheapskate when they find that it is a free design you got from the Internet. When people see your tattoo they will ask about the design and the message it conveys.

Free TattooThe fact that something is free makes it very attractive to most of us. But do we really want to have a tattoo design that is probably being sported by hundreds if not thousands of other people. There is nothing unique and personal about it. It is simply a cheap standardised drawing which is worth just about what you paid for it--nothing. You may feel a little put out at paying a professional tattoo designer $100 or more to do a design just for you that nobody else will have. However you will be glad later when you look at your beautiful one of a kind tattoo and you can tell any inquirer just what it is about and its meaning.

Free Tattoo"You get what you pay for" can never be more true than in decorating your body with tattoos. Far better to do it over a period of time, as you can afford it, and get a really good tattoo artist to work on you. You will have no regrets later when your great looking tattoos are admired by everyone who sees them. There is a very large number of websites on the internet which offer free tattoo designs, but are they worth even considering? Most of the designs you will find are quite poor quality and you would not be proud to wear them for very long--and removal is costly and painful. Far better to get the money together and have a tattoo artist, who really knows his job, do the tattoos for you. Most of the free designs out there on the Internet are very poor quality.

Free TattooPeople who make use of free tattoo designs have little respect for themselves and the poor looking tattoo simply emphasises this. There is really no choice if you want a really fine tattoo--you must have a top flight tattoo artist do it for you. Then you will be showing respect for yourself and you will have a marvelous tattoo which you can show proudly.

You can discuss the design with your tattoo artist and together come up with a design which will be truly "you" and will emphasise your personality. You will never regret the expenditure and will always feel good about your tattoo